Apr 26, · Drug Addiction: A Social Problem DUG ADDICTION The drug addiction has radically increased throughout the world over the past few years. This research study aims at analyzing the problem of drug addiction, its individual and social implications and the experts' opinion about this life-threatening practice Essay on the Signs of Drug Addiction. Drug addiction is a compulsive disorder that leads an individual to use substance habitually to achieve desired outcome. Millions of people in the world are suffering with drug addiction and the number is expected to increase in the coming years. If the person is using drugs for a longer period, the outcome 1 day ago · Reflective essay drug addiction Khata book case study human effects on environment essay writing essay on gandagi mukt mera gaon in english in words. What is argumentative essay brainly. Unity in diversity sample essay politics and the english language essay analysis, essay on neglect of primary health care and education in india are
Conclusion to drug addiction essay
Try out PMC Labs and tell us what you think. Learn More. Email : moc. epacsdem esseh. Addiction is compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance. It is accepted as a mental illness in the diagnostic nomenclature and results in substantial health, social and economic problems.
In the diagnostic nomenclature, addiction was originally included in the personality disorders along with other behaviours considered deviant. But it is now considered a clinical syndrome. Addiction is multifactorially determined, with substantial genetic influence.
The development of addictions is also influenced by environmental factors, drug addiction essay, and an interplay between the two. In the clinical context, addiction puts problem substance use on the agenda, and helps focus on the difficulties associated with drug use.
But the concept of addiction is also used to distance the user from addicts, and in this way, may be counter-therapeutic, drug addiction essay. The addiction concept has also had a substantial influence on policy. The almost universal prohibition against drugs such as opiates, drug addiction essay, cocaine, cannabis and amphetamine has much support.
But unfortunately, it has not been able to hinder the development of substance use problems, drug addiction essay. Drug addiction essay is fostered by the development of respectful ways drug addiction essay thinking about people with addictions, in particular, from advocates of motivational interviewing. Addiction is a term that means compulsive physiological need for and use of a habit-forming substance like heroin or nicotinecharacterized by tolerance and well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal; it has also been used more broadly to refer to compulsive use of a substance known by the user to be physically, psychologically, or socially harmful Maddux and Desmond, In the following essay, drug addiction essay, I shall try to explore the meaning of this concept.
A note on the term addiction: I shall use the term addictionexcept when I refer to a specific diagnostic system that uses other terms. The term dependence was introduced to reduce the stigma associated with addiction in the 50ties. Addictions are disorders related to use of substances. Substances in this context include intoxicants, such as alcohol or heroin, or milder stimulants, such as caffeine or nicotine. Addictions include dependence and other drug use disorder listed under psychiatric disorders in both the World Health Organisation's International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision [ICD] and the American Psychiatric Association's [APA] Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 4th revision [DSM-IV] American Psychiatric Association ; Maddux and Desmond, ; Nathan, Addiction is a form of mental illness, and as any mental illness, it is associated with stigma.
Mental illness is a broad generic label for a category of illnesses that may include affective or emotional problems, behavioural dysregulation, and cognitive dysfunction or impairment. Most evident in addiction is behavioural dysregulation: addiction is, drug addiction essay definition, problems controlling consumptive behaviour. Emotional instability and cognitive dysfunctions may or may not accompany the disorder. A negative impact of some drugs, including drugs such as alcohol and opiates, has long been acknowledged, drug addiction essay.
For instance, Commissioner Lin of the Chinese Empire wrote to Queen Victoria of the British Empire, urging her to take action against opium export. Lin stressed the negative consequences of opium use on Chinese society Lin, The Quran, drug addiction essay, the holy book of Islam, written in the early 7th century, states:. Satan's plan is but to excite enmity and hatred between you, with intoxicants and gambling, and hinder you from the remembrance of Allah, and from prayer… [Quran, 5.
However, condemnation of intoxicants is far from universal. Even when substance use causes problems, some observers suggest temperance, others abstinence, yet others prohibition.
But the observation that use of intoxicants cause harm to society is common across time and place. Addictions, or substance use disorders, are prevalent and affect public health in a number of adverse ways. The World Health Organization has estimated that alcohol, tobacco and illicit drugs combined are responsible for Specifically, drug addiction essay, alcohol use is responsible for 8. Some of these effects occur when drugs are used at high doses or after prolonged use, drug addiction essay, but some may occur after just one use.
The health status of drug abusers is generally affected by their drug addiction essay use, and life expectancy of drug misusers is often much lower than that of the general population. Addiction affects not only substance users. It also affects other than those who consume substances directly. In young children living with substance abusers these effects can be observed, and drug abuse causes even worse problems than alcohol use Cooke, Kelley, Fals-Stewart and Golden, High density of alcohol outlets, both bars and off-premise sales, have been associated with a number of adverse social and health outcomes, such as gonorrhoea, violence, motor vehicle accidents, and child abuse and neglect.
Illicit drug users are often exposed to accidents, and are very often victims of violence. There are even socio-economic negative consequences of substance addiction. People with alcohol or drug addiction are less likely to be working, and alcohol addiction is associated with leaving the workforce prematurely Romelsjo, Stenbacka, Lundberg and Upmark, Drug abusers cost large sums in hospital beds, as do alcohol abusers.
Imprisonment, health costs, and loss of productivity contribute to the drug addiction essay of alcohol and drug addiction Fenoglio, Parel and Kopp, Unlike other psychiatric groups, substance abusers are also more likely than community controls matched on age and gender to commit crimes, including violent crimes.
The causal nature of problems associated with substance use is difficult to entangle precisely. Patterns of use and total amount of use may be differentially related to problems Peele, For instance, total amount of use is related to health consequences and mortality in the general population, but binge use pattern is associated with violence and interpersonal consequences.
Also, in some countries, the link between alcohol and aggressive behaviour, such as homicide, is stronger than in other countries Rossow, In order to show a causal link between addiction and personal and social consequences, it is necessary to show that reducing substance use reduces adverse effects of drug use on society or other individuals, drug addiction essay.
It is plausible that some of the problems associated with substance addiction are linked because of common underlying causes. For instance, a person who is unable to cope with any kind of cooperation or interaction with other people may develop alcohol addiction. Does the addiction cause the unemployment of this person? Or would he drug addiction essay unemployed regardless of addiction, because sober or intoxicated, drug addiction essay, this person is just drug addiction essay able to function in a workplace?
With these reservations, the evidence is sufficient to say that substance use negatively affects society and many people in society. Before emergence of the official diagnostic nomenclature, a range of concepts were coined to describe the problematic use of substances: terms such as addiction, inebriety, intemperance, alcoholism, euphomania, and others Maddux and Desmond, Many of them reflecting a view of addiction as a moral deficiency. In with the first Diagnostic and Statistical Manual [DSM-I], only one classification was possible for drugs drug addiction and one for alcohol alcohol addiction.
These were listed under sociopathic personality deviance, a section that also contained antisocial behaviour and deviant sexuality. These behaviours were assumed to be dangerous to society, and generally, drug addiction essay, people who exhibited such behaviours were thought incapable of changing. The ICD-7, published inalso used the term drug addictionand subclassified alcoholism into three subcategories: chronic, acute and unspecified.
Classification of substance use disorders remained the same in DSM-II. With the DSM-III insubstance use disorders were subclassified into dependence and abuse. This division of substance use disorders into two sub-categories reflected different changes in the view of addictions, drug addiction essay. The study of tolerance and drug addiction essay in drug addiction had gained increasing interest, leading to a need for a sub-category of drug misuse characterized by the presence of these phenomena.
Also, research had shown that not all drug or alcohol problems showed the chronic course that was assumed in the classification of substance use disorders along with sociopathic deviance. Finally, the psychiatric community wanted to remove the stigma from alcohol dependence that came from being classified along with deviant sexuality and antisocial behaviour.
With the DSM-III-R inspecific criteria were formulated for many psychiatric disorders, including substance use disorders. These criteria were a mixture of physiological changes associated with substance use, such as tolerance and withdrawal, and more psychological phenomena such as loss of control and priority of substance use over other activities.
These criteria have undergone little change with the DSM-IV inexcept that the diagnostic criteria became somewhat more restrictive, while the alcohol abuse criteria became less restrictive.
According to the DSM-IV, two kinds of addiction can be diagnosed: substance abuse and substance dependence American Psychiatric Association, Abuse is a pattern of alcohol use, leading to social, occupational, or medical impairment. A diagnosis of abuse can only be given in the absence of a diagnosis of dependence. A diagnosis of alcohol dependence requires at least three or more of the following: 1 Tolerance 2 Withdrawal symptoms, or drinking to avoid symptoms 3 Loss of control 4 A persistent desire or efforts to cut down or control drinking 5 A great deal of time spent drinking, or recovering from drinking 6 Social, occupational, or recreational activities given up because of alcohol use 7 Drinking continues despite having a persistent or recurrent physical or psychological problem that is likely to have been worsened by alcohol.
The withdrawal symptoms can differ by substance taken. Some substances, such as cannabis or hallucinogens, do not produce a characteristic withdrawal syndrome, and withdrawal is not listed as a criterion for these substances. The International Classification drug addiction essay Diseases, 10th revision [ICD] includes diagnoses of harmful use for alcohol or substance dependence, for any substance, including alcohol. Harmful alcohol use is defined as heavy alcohol use quantity defined by local standards, e.
over 28 drinks per week for men, over 14 drinks per week in womanand that overuse of alcohol has caused physical harm e. liver diseasepsychological harm e. Substance dependence is defined by either current use or a current persistent and strong desire to use the substance, drug addiction essay, plus two or more of the following: drug addiction essay substance use despite harm, difficulty controlling use, tolerance, and withdrawal. The criteria are summarized in Table 1.
DSM-IV has more optional criteria for both dependence and abuse than ICD In the DSM-IV, 3 of 7 criteria are needed, whereas in the ICD, 3 of 5 criteria are needed, including the obligatory criterion of use or desire to use.
Therefore, the DSM-IV diagnosis is less restrictive, resulting in higher prevalences for DSM vs. ICD in drug addiction essay where both set of criteria have been applied to the same populations Nurnberger et al. Therefore, agreement between the two dependence diagnoses is generally better than between the harmful use and abuse diagnoses see, for example, Giang, Spak, Dzung and Allebeck, There are also differences in content in the dependence diagnoses.
The DSM-IV has an optional criterion of unsuccessful attempts to quit. The ICD requires in a sense the opposite, namely, either use or desire to use. The desire to quit as a criterion suggests a more cooperative patient than the desire to use when not using.
It is a paradox in the DSM-IV that the heavy user who wants to deal with his problem is considered more ill than the heavy user who does not want to deal with the problem, drug addiction essay, all other things drug addiction essay equal. In favour of the DSM-IV criterion, unsuccessful quit attempts point in the direction of loss of control.
And a case can be made that regardless of the amount of drug or alcohol use, no diagnosis of dependence should be made if a person is able to quit at will.
Write an essay on Drug Addiction - Essay Writing - English
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