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Usability Evaluation of the Kinect in Aiding Surgeon-Computer Interaction A study on the implementation, evaluation and improvement of gesture-based interaction in the operating room Sebastiaan Michael Stuij May Master Thesis Human-Machine Communication University of Groningen, The Netherlands Internal supervisor: Dr.
Cnossen Artificial Intelligence, master thesis usability, University of Groningen External supervisor: Dr, master thesis usability. The purpose of this study was to determine whether a modern gesture-based interface using the Kinect is feasible and desirable during surgical procedures.
After an extensive exploratory research phase including OR observations, interviews with surgeons and a questionnaire, a user-based usability evaluation was conducted with the open-source medical imaging toolkit MITO and the Microsoft Kinect. Healthcare professionals were asked to conduct prototypical tasks in a simulated Master thesis usability environment in the University Medical Centre of Groningen.
Obtained performance and usability measures were compared to a control condition where the participant gave instructions to an assistant, comparable to the current OR situation, master thesis usability. Results of the usability evaluation indicated that surgeons were generally positive about gesture-based interaction and would like to use the tested system.
Performance measures indicated that the current system was generally slower in executing the prototypical tasks compared to asking an assistant. However this was during their first encounter with such a novel technique; an expert user showed significant faster completion times. Another limitation of using the Kinect as gesture-based interaction technique is its reduced accuracy while conducting measurements on medical images for example.
Due to the importance of accurate selection in clinical image viewers a second study was conducted on different selection techniques in order to determine which technique is most accurate and appropriate for gesture-based selection. Furthermore two different spatial resolutions were compared due to the importance of a small interaction space above the patient. Results from this experiment indicated that the tested techniques are significantly less accurate master thesis usability more time-costly than the mouse control condition.
However there was a significant effect between the two different spatial resolutions, indicating the importance of higher resolution depth-cameras. Finally suggestions for usability improvements for the test-case system were proposed and important guidelines for future gesture-based interaction systems in the operating room. From these results we can conclude that the concept of gesture-based interaction using low-cost commercially available hardware, such as the Kinect, is feasible for operating room purposes.
Although the accuracy master thesis usability lower and execution times are slower compared to the current situation in which the surgeon directs an assistant, surgeons rate the master thesis usability of the tested system high, and would already prefer to use this system than asking an assistant due to the direct and sterile form of interaction. Peter van Ooijen, for his immediate feedback during my daily activities at the UMCG and his practical and useful insights during my whole project.
Luigi Gallo and Alessio Placitelli, for their cooperation on this project and assistance on the Mito software. Jetse Goris and Henk ten Cate Hoedemaker, for providing interesting insights and the possibility to present my project to surgeons in the UMCG. Sip Zwerver, for letting me use the Skills Centre in the hospital as test location. My fellow students and friends Lennart, Stephan, Jarno, Michiel, Jeffrey, Thomas and Wiard, master thesis usability, who have provided me with countless tips and motivated me throughout the project.
Ilse, for always being there for me and always motivating me to keep going on. And last but not least my family, who have always supported me. One well- known example is the Wii remote, which serves as a 'Motion controller' of interactive games and other applications. The Kinect and other similar devices have caused a shift in the way people think about human-computer interaction from a traditional mouse and keyboard perspective to a more natural way master thesis usability interacting by using gestures.
Consequently industries and researchers are increasingly interested in incorporating gesture-based interaction techniques in their products and services to create a more natural way of interaction and to enhance the user experience.
One interesting example is the television industry, which is currently developing televisions with integrated cameras that aim to make the physical remote control obsolete. Another interesting area of innovation, which forms the basis of this research, is the medical imaging sector in which computed tomography CT and magnetic resonance imaging MRI studies are viewed in clinical image viewers and are traditionally controlled by mouse and keyboard.
Surgeons often visualize and manipulate these images on large monitors in the operating room in order to assist them during a surgical procedure, thus replacing the old-fashioned way of holding up analogue films against a light box. These viewers have certain functions such as scrolling through the images of a selected study, alter zoom-level and contrast values, but also more advanced functions such as measuring angles and line segments.
Although this is a major improvement with respect to the analogue era, very few systems have been designed to allow for more practical and efficient exploration of these images during the actual surgical procedure, where time and sterile conditions are crucial for a successful surgical procedure.
Currently when surgeons want to get a better look at the images of the patient during surgery, he or she has two options, master thesis usability. First the surgeon can ask an assistant to do this, which is time-consuming, master thesis usability, distracting and may lead to errors due to the indirect form of communication.
Secondly the surgeon can decide to interact with the computer him-or- herself, but this implies changing gloves each time the computer has to be operated. During an observational study by Grätzel et al. Such a solution could possibly be found in gesture-based interaction techniques as mentioned earlier.
In this case the aforementioned Kinect is used as input device due to its popularity, low-cost and many on-going developments in the medical imaging domain incorporating the Kinect in their products see master thesis usability 2, master thesis usability.
Due to the lack of usability research conducted on gesture-based interaction techniques in the operating room see chapter 2. The obtained results give important insights in; the requirements of surgeons wanting to explore medical images during surgical procedures and the performance measures needed to evaluate such systems, if current state-of-the-art devices such as the Kinect meet these requirements and performance measures, and finally how the usability can be improved.
This broad research question is broken down in the following sub questions: § What do surgeons expect from gesture-based interaction master thesis usability In order to address these questions, the research is broken down into the following research objectives: § Explore the possibilities of gesture-based interaction techniques for operating room purposes. Find out how surgeons regard gesture-based interaction techniques in the operating room, and identify possible requirements, master thesis usability, restrictions and performance master thesis usability needed to evaluate such a system.
Test a suitable gesture-based interaction system in a realistic setting with actual surgeons on prototypical tasks, and compare these results to a control condition in which the participant has to instruct an assistant on the same tasks. Find out which gesture-based selection technique is most appropriate for operating room purposes, due to the importance of accurate selection in medical images § Suggest usability improvements and guidelines for future systems. Finally suggest improvements for the tested system and group all results in a set of guidelines for gesture-based interaction systems in the operating room, master thesis usability.
Theoretical background This chapter provides an overview of the literature relevant to understanding the domains of surgeon-computer interaction. The theoretical background presented is divided into three categories: a brief overview of the human-computer interaction domain and usability methods, gesture-based interaction and the Kinect, and finally related work on relevant gesture-based usability studies master thesis usability gesture-based interaction in the operating room.
In this action cycle two types of mismatches might occur. In the operating room surgeons represent the users and the system is often a desktop computer. In the current situation a surgeon has to control mouse and keyboard in order to view and manipulate medical images of the patient, master thesis usability. The surgeon can also ask an assistant to do this for him or her during surgery, which turns the assistant into an indirect controller, master thesis usability.
This thesis explores the possibilities of gesture-based interaction to serve as a more natural, and direct form of interaction between user and system. This new form of interaction could potentially minimize the gulf of execution because of its designated naturalness by letting users communicate their intentions through gesturing to the system, which subsequently interprets these gestures as commands and actions.
Several usability methods exist to evaluate a product or technique on its efficiency and user satisfaction, master thesis usability. The term usability is a broad concept, and generally refers to the ease of use and learnability of human-made objects. More specifically in the HCI field usability refers to the attributes of the user interface that makes the product easy to use.
According to usability pioneer Nielsen usability is not very well expressed in a master thesis usability but its master thesis usability is clearly reflected by learnability, efficiency, memorability, errors and user satisfaction. A system is said to be usable when it is easily learned by novice users, master thesis usability, delivers high productivity, is easy to remember over time, master thesis usability, has a low error rate and is considered pleasant to use.
The usability of a certain product can be evaluated by numerous methods; these methods can generally be divided into three separate categories Dumas, ; inspection-based, model-based and user-based evaluation, of which the last category will be of main interest for this thesis.
One great advantage of these methods is that it does not require any users, which often makes them very time and cost efficient. These methods have drawbacks for this study however. First of all they should be applied by multiple usability experts for it to be maximally effective J. And lastly inspection-based evaluations do not take performance measures of the users on the system into account, master thesis usability, which in this case is very important considering the stress and time constraints in operating room environments.
Model-based usability evaluation methods are concerned with computational models of human behaviour and cognitive processes of how users would perform a certain task. For this study model-based evaluations also have certain drawbacks; first of all most models only model expert-user behaviour and thus cannot model novice-usage of the evaluated system.
More importantly, model-based evaluations have mainly been applied to systems in which keyboard and mouse are master thesis usability as controllers.
Hardly any studies have been conducted on gesture-based interaction besides the study of Holeis et al. Due to this major limitation master thesis usability natural user interfaces and the explorative nature of this research in wanting to find out usability as well as functionality requirements, model-based usability evaluation will not be taken into account. User-based usability evaluation is concerned with gathering input from relevant users interacting with the system or interface of interest.
This type of evaluation is particularly relevant for user-centered design. These questions can elicit qualitative open questions as well as quantitative data closed questions and scale responses.
One important and widely used usability scale used in user-based evaluations is the Software Usability Scale SUS Brooke, Questionnaires are often preceded by other usability measures such as scenario-based testing. In these tests several prototypical tasks are presented in the form of scenarios, which explain what the participant needs to do on the system, but not how it master thesis usability be performed Dumas, In such an evaluation study, a participant is often asked to conduct several tasks in a controlled environment, while being monitored on several performance measures.
If the evaluation focuses on comparison of multiple systems, then participants have to repeat the same tasks in different experimental conditions.
Letting participants perform a standardized set of tasks, gives the evaluator control over the experimental variables, over which aspects of the system are tested and over the performance measures obtained. In user-based usability studies objective as well as subjective measurements can be obtained, such as efficiency e. number of errors and actions and satisfaction e. user ratings on designated usability scales such as the SUS. User-based usability evaluation is very suitable for the current study due to its explorative nature; finding out the feasibility and usability of a new interaction technique in a specific working environment, and the need for quantitative as well as qualitative data to see whether this system is preferred over the current situation.
Gesture-based interaction is a broad term and can refer to gesture recognition on touch-screen surfaces, device-based gestures shaking a master thesis usability music player to skip to the next song and freehand gestures waving towards the television to switch to the next channel. In fact every physical action essentially involves some sort of gesture.
To distinguish between these different types of gestures it is important to consider the nature of the gesture that master thesis usability used to reach the interaction goal.
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