Communications in Advanced Mathematical Sciences (CAMS) (Commun. Adv. Math. Sci.) is an international and peer-reviewed journal which publishes high quality papers on Estimated Reading Time: 10 mins · Peer review is now standard practice by most credible scientific journals, and is an essential part of determining the credibility and quality of work submitted. IMPACT OF THE PEER REVIEW PROCESS Peer review has become the foundation of the scholarly publication system because it effectively subjects an author’s work to the scrutiny of other experts in the blogger.com by: Science Journals | List of Peer-reviewed Scientific
Peer Review in Scientific Publications: Benefits, Critiques, & A Survival Guide
African buffalo in Kruger National Park, South Africa. Buffalo are reservoir hosts for foot-and-mouth disease FMD viruses, which infect wild and domestic ungulates. Highly contagious infections such as FMD spread rapidly through susceptible populations but fade out as hosts gain immunity—except in reservoir hosts, where they persist endemically. Mechanisms of endemic persistence represent evolutionary outcomes of long-standing host-pathogen associations and may expose points of vulnerability in the transmission cycle.
See pages 35 and Peer reviewed scientific journals shrub frog emerges from a pitcher plant in Kinabalu National Park, Borneo, Malaysia, peer reviewed scientific journals. This peer reviewed scientific journals world is a montane forest. Fewer plants and animals live in the forest because of a lack of shelter and food. This issue of Science Advances features a collection of articles from global biodiversity conservation experts highlighting challenges to and strategies for sustainable use and management of biodiversity across global, national, regional and local scales, peer reviewed scientific journals.
Perivascular Phagocyte Precursors. This month's cover features a confocal microscopy image of white adipose tissue from the epididymal fat pad of a 5-day-old neonatal mouse. Also present are clusters of developing adipocytes yellow containing neutral lipids detected with a BODIPY dye.
Moura Silva et al. identified c-MAF as a pivotal transcription factor regulating VAM differentiation and host susceptibility to metabolic syndrome in response to a high-fat diet. A Hop, Skip, and a Jump. Birds and insects can switch between flying and walking with ease. Multimodal locomotion allows these peer reviewed scientific journals to choose the most sensible mode of travel based on their environment.
For robots, demonstrating either legged or aerial locomotion is challenging, let alone achieving. Kim et al. have developed a bipedal robot that seamlessly combines legged and aerial locomotion. Their robot, called LEONARDO, is composed of light-weight multijoint legs and propellers. This month's cover is a photograph of LEONARDO balancing on one leg. Credit: Elena-Sorina Lupu, peer reviewed scientific journals, Patrick Spieler, Kyunam Kim, and Soon-Jo Chung.
This week, White et al. report that physiological responses to parathyroid hormone, including changes in vitamin D and bone homeostasis, depend on the subcellular location of receptor activity.
The image is a cross-section of trabecular bone showing bone marrow blue filling the spaces between the trabeculae. Surprising Stability. This image shows a yellow fever mosquito Aedes aegypti that can transmit flaviviruses such as dengue virus DENV and Zika virus ZIKV. DENV infection elicits neutralizing antibody concentrations that are thought to be protective at first, but wane over time to become enhancing and pathogenic.
To better understand flavivirus-specific antibody kinetics, Katzelnick et al. evaluated antibody titers longitudinally in samples from children in Nicaragua. The authors showed that antibody titers stabilized by 8 months after primary DENV infection and waned slowly after secondary infection with DENV or ZIKV.
These findings demonstrate the impact of repeated infections on flavivirus-specific antibody kinetics and have implications for vaccine development. WHAT WE DO. GET INVOLVED. Submenu toggle Membership Events Support AAAS Fellowships Careers Training Sessions Awards Annual Meeting. Search Search. Quick Links GIVE RESOURCE CENTER PROGRAMS NEWS EVENTS MEMBER LOGIN JOIN. External Links AAAS Communities SCIENCE CAREERS SCIENCE FAMILY OF JOURNALS More AAAS Sites.
You are here Home. Science Advances, peer reviewed scientific journals. Science Immunology. Science Robotics. Science Signaling. Science Translational Medicine.
How to Peer-Review Like a Pro (Step-by-Step Guide)
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In an attempt to maintain quality and ensure validity of the research being published, Science Journals subject the articles through a rigorous peer-review process, honoring copyrights. Science Journals may include various types of articles such as, letters, short communications, review articles, research articles, case reports, editorials, and other supplementary articles Research Topics: shape the future of your field. Peer-reviewed article collections around themes of cutting-edge research. Unite experts, stimulate collaboration and accelerate science. Over , contributing authors and 1 billion article views and downloads. Browse · Peer review is now standard practice by most credible scientific journals, and is an essential part of determining the credibility and quality of work submitted. IMPACT OF THE PEER REVIEW PROCESS Peer review has become the foundation of the scholarly publication system because it effectively subjects an author’s work to the scrutiny of other experts in the blogger.com by:
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