Travelling is the best way to learn new things, whether it be a new language or new culture because you’re experiencing it first hand instead of just reading or looking at pictures. It broadens your view of the world. For me travelling means stress and anxiety (both of which I try to block out). Travelling means being out of my comfort zone · Short Essay on Travelling • Love for travelling is inherent in man. It grows out of his desire to know the unknown and see the unseen. The wander-thirstEstimated Reading Time: 3 mins Travelling Paragraph Then traveling even a short distance was much bothering and time-consuming. Traveling in modern times: With new scientific inventions, the ways and means of traveling have changed dramatically. Now different types of vehicles are available to blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins
Paragraph About Travelling - Words | Cram
It reveals a whole new and exciting world out there, opens out your inner strength, short paragraph on travelling, and presents with unforgettable adventures. Read an example of essay about traveling to learn more and get inspired. It opens up many new worlds to the traveller. Travelling provides adventure and adventure keeps us · Travelling Essay Read travelling essay in English language in words. Know more about short essay on travelling in India for students of class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and Learn the importance of travelling essay or benefits of travelling essay.
Travel is often synonymous with the word short paragraph on travelling or tourism. Travelling has short paragraph on travelling essential to Man since the very beginning of civilization. He traveled from one place to another in search of food, shelter, to find a mate or make himself a home away from home. Travelling has been incorporated in a being whose sole purpose is to be a part of an adventure, by which case he is able to discover new foreign places. Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer who discovered the Bahamas and Central America in the late 15 th Century via sea voyage and later colonized the areas short paragraph on travelling he came across and explored.
His purpose was to establish relations between Europe and the Americas. Civilizations began when Man wanted to settle down. Settling down required exploration of places, preferably alongside river banks for food, shelter and protection against wild animals, short paragraph on travelling. He was a hunter and a gatherer which required travelling to across plains and into forests.
As civilizations began to rise and fall, dynasties sprung from them and ambitious rulers wanted to travel across oceans to colonize and rule rest of the world. The French, the British, short paragraph on travellingthe Dutch and the Germans wanted to establish supremacy, short paragraph on travelling.
The British succeeded in travelling to various parts of the world and colonize the Americas, AustraliaIndiaAfrica and many others, short paragraph on travelling. Thus, travelling gave them zeal to conquer most of the World. By doing this they propagated their culture and language to be instilled in the colonized countries. Under their rule, transportation and communication became vital factors. In the middle Ages the poor class of people belonging to various religions of this world went on a pilgrimage, for example, to Mecca or Bethlehem under the face of spiritualism and faith.
In those times, people travelled to temples in faraway states of their country and even climbed high mountains of Haridwar-Hrushikesh, Vaishno-Devi and Kedarnath to be one with God. As travels increased, modes of transportation also grew. Travelling on horseback or by carriages driven by cattle or horses, small boats, ships was common in those days but after the Industrial Revolution, railways and airplanes were in demand as they provided convenient commuting.
The newer middle class also saw fit to travel once a year and instead of suppressing their urge to stay in one place, man began exploring the countryside by either hiking or any cheap mode of transportation. Short paragraph on travelling became an escape route to wanderers and aided them in short paragraph on travelling a break from their busy schedules and routines, short paragraph on travelling.
This was their idea of recreation, interacting with people from foreign lands, being social and learning about their culture and traditions. Thus, exploration of different faraway lands gave leeway to being a part of various societies. From this we have come to know that, short paragraph on travellingdue to travelling short paragraph on travelling sharing stories of their travels with each other, short paragraph on travelling, India is such a beautiful and a culturally diverse country.
They expanded their tourism business by organizing pre-planned or customized tours short paragraph on travelling a group of people with a short paragraph on travelling of short paragraph on travelling to select from at reasonable rates. This allowed the travel industry to flourish as the demand for leisure and hassle-free tours became popular among the clientele.
Travelling for business or study purposes has also become quite common. According to BBC travel statistics, the world international population numbers are short paragraph on travelling than 3.
Travel abroad offers different subject areas to explore which are not available in their home schools which is short paragraph on travelling students choose to go abroad to study their desired areas of interest. Travel for work especially in the IT, corporate and trading sectors has also increased quite exponentially, short paragraph on travelling, short paragraph on travelling.
Major IT hubs have been stationed in India and the US. To and fro travels between these two countries are an everyday routine.
Travel Industry has expanded. Travelling by air, on land and water has been possible only due to increase in number of airplanes, short paragraph on travelling, railways, cars, ships, boats and ferries. Many people prefer hiking or cycling to nearby places as exploring nature provides them with relaxation. Visiting a different state or country is fruitful as it gives short paragraph on travelling insight regarding their customs and culture.
Keeping an open mind and welcoming thoughts and ideas about a new place can make you a part of a society and create a sense short paragraph on travelling belonging. Visiting world heritage sites, old architectural complexes, both man made and natural wonders of the world, tropical rain forests are some such short paragraph on travelling that are worth the time and money.
It makes one wonder how truly nature and science can complement and blend with one another. There are also some limitations when it comes to travelling. Pollution is one main concern as people dirty their surrounding by throwing away litter on the ground or into water instead of disposing it in a proper manner. Air, short paragraph on travelling, land and water pollution has increased quite a bit due to transportation vehicles.
We should come up with alternative sources of energy and some rules and regulations that put a stop to littering around and cause less damage to the surrounding environment whilst travelling. I would like to say that along with bringing together diverse cultures, travelling also brings peace of mind, short paragraph on travelling. As short paragraph on travelling industry blooms, short paragraph on travellingwe also need to expand our horizons and go to places that are yet unexplored and keep in mind never to disrupt the environment.
On an ending note, I would also like to say that space travel also looks like a possibility in the near future so we can always have our hopes up! Your email address will not be published. Skip to main content Skip to secondary menu Skip to primary sidebar Skip to footer HOME CONTACT US All Essays JEE Main Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Footer Top Trending Essays in March Essay on Pollution Essay on my School Summer Season My favourite teacher World heritage day quotes my family speech importance of trees essay autobiography of a pen honesty is the best policy essay essay on building a great india my favourite book essay essay on caa my favourite player autobiography of a river farewell speech for class 10 by class 9 essay my favourite teacher words internet influence on kids essay my favourite cartoon character.
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Most people agree travelling is a good thing. Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer who discovered the Bahamas and Central America in the late 15 th Century via sea voyage and later colonized the areas that he came across and explored · Travelling Essay Read travelling essay in English language in words.
Post a Comment. Friday, April 23, short paragraph on travelling, Short paragraph on travelling. Short paragraph on travelling · Traveling is an extraordinary experience every person needs to try. Know more about short essay on travelling in India for students of class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, short paragraph on travelling, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and Learn the importance of travelling essay or benefits of travelling essay Essay About Traveling: Why Should You Start Travelling Today?
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Paragraph on Travelling -- essay on Travelling -- রচনা-ভ্রমন
, time: 2:25Short Essay On Travelling • English Summary

· Short paragraph on travelling · Traveling is an extraordinary experience every person needs to try. It reveals a whole new and exciting world out there, opens out your inner strength, and presents with unforgettable adventures. Read an example of essay about traveling to learn more and get inspired · Short Essay on Travelling • Love for travelling is inherent in man. It grows out of his desire to know the unknown and see the unseen. The wander-thirstEstimated Reading Time: 3 mins Travelling is the best way to learn new things, whether it be a new language or new culture because you’re experiencing it first hand instead of just reading or looking at pictures. It broadens your view of the world. For me travelling means stress and anxiety (both of which I try to block out). Travelling means being out of my comfort zone
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