Texting While Driving Research Paper Words | 3 Pages. of America. Texting while driving is one of the biggest problem throughout the world. Drivers of car as well as others can be in danger Texting while driving should remain illegal because it can cause accidents, psychological problems for other, and the dangers of texting and driving Sample Paper: Texting While Driving Ban. Abstract. Automobile crashes as a result of texting while driving is an epidemic that has taken our nation by storm over the past decade. Whether people think they can safely type on their phone while driving, or just don’t think there is Texting While Driving Research Paper The National Safety Council states that: “cell phone use while driving causes million crashes each year.” Texting while driving is mostly operated by teenagers, but as society develops a lot of adults are starting to contribute to it as well
Research Paper on Texting while Driving | blogger.com
Automobile crashes as a result of texting while driving is an epidemic that has taken our nation by storm over the past decade. Texting while driving must be stopped. To do this our government must take action to both add uniformity to the laws and punishments bestowed on the offenders. Texting and driving research paper, it is also vital that the government provide ample educational programs in order to spread the message about the dangers of tapping the keyboard while behind the wheel.
On that fateful summer night, she was texting her friend on the way to the baseball game she was planning on attending. As she looked down at her phone to read the new text message, she lost control of her car, which proceeded to slide across the median, hit a bridge, and kill the young girl with a bright future.
Officer Grant Hendrix of the Missouri State Highway Patrol was one of the first to arrive on the scene. And at that point was when I noticed her cap and gown was still in her car. She was going to graduate the next day. It was just a really horrific scene all because of a senseless text message. Texting and driving is one of the largest epidemics to sweep our nation.
The progression of texting and driving research paper messaging, with more capable phones and larger numbers of people engaging than ever before, has turned into one of the largest distractions in our world. People are constantly fixated on their phones, checking Twitter, texting and driving research paper, Texting and driving research paper and text messages. The use of a cell phone while driving is extremely distracting and dangerous to the person behind the wheel, texting and driving research paper, and everyone else on the road as well.
But, this is not just a problem among teen drivers. To combat this problem, the United States government much take a stronger stance and texting and driving research paper legislation that unifies texting while driving laws and punishments, as well as installing much more education about the dangers of texting behind the wheel to convey the much needed message to the future drivers of the United States.
Currently, thirty-five states have enacted complete bans on texting for all drivers. This leaves seven more states that have no ban at all. All of these numbers must be changed by a unified, national ban on texting while driving.
The National Transportation Safety Board, or NTSB, recommended this past December that there should be a national ban on all cell phone use inside vehicles, even hands free devices. This law would be much stricter than any current state law, and a drastic step towards vehicular safety.
No email, no text, texting and driving research paper, no update, no call is worth a human life. A law banning all use of cell phones would cause dissatisfaction within certain members of the American population, as it would cause the need for complying to a completely new rule that is combatting what has become ingrained behavior for many Americans.
But, any law that bans texting while driving would undoubtedly save hundreds of American lives. A national ban on texting while driving would aid in cutting this number down immediately. As well as unifying laws against texting behind the wheel, the United States must make sure that the sanctions for violating such a law are strong enough to deter drivers from typing while driving.
Massachusetts has some of the strictest texting while driving sanctions in the country and should be a model for others to follow. Violators are also punished severely if they cause an accident while texting behind the wheel Chretien. Imposing only a fine of such low monetary value does not properly convey the seriousness of the offense or work strongly enough to deter drivers from putting their phones down while driving. In order to properly unify, enforce, and deter texting while driving punishment for breaking the law should be uniform across the country, using the model that Massachusetts has already set.
They claim that Washington has more to worry about than micromanaging the states. Although it is very important that the United States takes action to unify and strictly enforce texting while driving laws, it is even more paramount that strong educational programs are made both available and mandatory to prospective drivers. And that texting while driving, using current technology, texting and driving research paper, is incredibly dangerous.
Undoubtedly, drunk driving is another extremely large contributing factor in many deaths each year. From the time one learns what a car is, one is taught that it is very dangerous and should never be done. The same must be done in the United States regarding texting and driving education. Currently, one of the only programs in place is run by a private company. Ray LaHood, U.
Of the 5, people killed last year due to distracted driving, the largest proportion of fatalities occurred among young people under the age of In order to accomplish this, it is imperative that the government set guidelines and provide support for this program or install one of their own. By spreading the message through these strong presentations, the number of fatalities as a result of texting while driving would indisputably decline.
And what do you think your reaction time is if you spotted danger just feet away? Or how long it would take your car to stop or change directions in time? To further education on texting while driving, the government should make it mandatory to attend a two hour class on distracted driving, primarily focussing on texting, and pass the subsequent quiz. But, this education focuses on technique and rules that one must follow on the road.
The dangers of distracted driving, specifically texting while driving, cost thousands of Americans their lives every year. The number has steadily increased as texting has become increasingly popular. Presently, the fifty states also have their own respective laws regarding policy and punishment when it comes to texting while driving, many of which are not a strong enough deterrent to force people to put their phones down. In order to effectively diminish the amount of texting while driving deaths, it is necessary that the federal government pass legislation that will unify laws against and strengthen punishment for texting while driving.
It should also no longer be a question texting and driving research paper and where texting behind the wheel is illegal. Every state should have the same exact laws against texting. The punishments must also be stiffened, forcing texting and driving research paper to reach deeper into their pockets if caught texting.
A heftier fine, texting and driving research paper, as well as license suspension would be a strong deterrent for people to keep their fingers off the keypad. Besides new laws against texting while driving, it is also vital that the government provide strong education programs thoroughly describing the dangers of all types of distracted driving, specifically focusing on texting.
Chretien, Karen. Covering Lynn, texting and driving research paper, Lynnfield, Marblehead, Nahant, Peabody, Revere, Saugus and Swampscott, MA. Coursey, David. Flores, Mark. Heller, David, texting and driving research paper. Lowy, Joan. Urges No Cell Phones, No Texting While Driving.
Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, Mar. Sites at Penn State. Abstract Automobile crashes as a result of texting while driving is an epidemic that has taken our nation by storm over the past decade.
Study: Texting while driving doubles danger risk
, time: 0:28Sample Paper: Texting While Driving Ban | English 15
Sample Paper: Texting While Driving Ban. Abstract. Automobile crashes as a result of texting while driving is an epidemic that has taken our nation by storm over the past decade. Whether people think they can safely type on their phone while driving, or just don’t think there is Mar 08, · We can write a Custom Research Paper on Texting while Driving for you! Texting while driving decreases reaction time by half compared to driving at per thousand of alcohol in the blood. However, college and university students who are about to write research paper on text while driving, have to remember that texting is not the only reason for a distract driving Texting and Driving (Research Paper).docx - Texting and This preview shows page 1 - 3 out of 6 pages. Texting and Driving Introduction Texting refers to composing, sending and reading text messages or emails on a mobile phone, driving involves the act of controlling the movement of a vehicle. Texting and driving can be referred to as the act of reading or composing texts messages
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